Sound Mindfulness Experience
Saturday 14 May 10:30–11:15am
Island Arts Centre
Tickets: https://islandartscentre.com/book/sound-healing-experience/280592
In this experience sounds are played with the intention of promoting relaxation and mindfulness with the opportunity to become one with the sound.
Tessa Ann will guide you in a sound meditation, to bring together the scattered parts of the self mindfully, with the intention of supporting you to become more grounded in your body.
During the session Tessa will play the sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, percussion and voice.
Scattered thoughts of the mind may be refocused. A sense of a stronger mind and body as you gather yourself together, through the experience of sound. The sound mindfulness experience often provides mental clarity and a positive focus for those who generally find it a challenge to relax.
Please bring a mat, pillow and blanket, so that you may sit or lie down to relax. Bring a bottle of water to keep beside you during the session.
Tessa Ann from The Sound Healing Spa has worked in the areas of sound and personal development for over 20 years.
In her main role now as a therapeutic sound practitioner, she delivers events and sessions using sound to promote positive mental health and overall wellbeing.