Catalyst Cafe
11 - 19 May

Catalyst Cafe is a space to grab a cup of tea, have a chat, and take some time out from studio/work/life. Let's huddle and sing/dance/laugh/cry about being an artist.
painter = artist
writer + accountant + carpenter + graphic designer + speaker + researcher + social media manager + opportunity finder + technician + multi-tasker + warm-blooded (gotta keep warm) + celebrity = artist
Catalyst Cafe is a space to grab a cup of tea, have a chat, and take some time out from studio/work/life. Let's huddle and sing/dance/laugh/cry about being an artist.
The Catalyst Cafe will host a series of communal events throughout its run, exploring and supporting artists' and creatives' mental healths. Events include a wine & cheese night, a breakfast club, karaoke, poetry reading, a film screening, and lots more! Outside of these events, the Catalyst Cafe will run as (surprise surprise) a cafe! - a space for our creative community, and the wider community, to commune and share the realities of living as a creative - far from the romantic artist myth. Please come and enjoy our space - have lunch, read a book, write, research, sing, use our toilets, water our plants, have a biscuit...
The programme of events is available on the Catalyst website and social media.
Pay what you can