Listening to Voices
Pedro Rebelo
13 - 21 May
2 Royal Avenue

Audio Installation by Pedro Rebelo working with the group 'Hearing Voices'.
The Listening to Voices piece was created in the context of the project 'Listening to Voices: Creative Disruptions with the Hearing Voices Network', funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and led by Dr Gail McConnell, Dr Jo Collinson Scott and Dr Deborah Maxwell. This Connected Communities project was a collaboration with Time and Space (Glasgow), Hearing Voices Ireland and Hearing Voices Belfast.
The piece aims to delve into the experiential phenomenon of hearing voices. All vocal materials for the piece were gathered during a retreat with voice-hearers in 2015 during which activities focusing on listening were conducted, as well as interviews and field recording sessions. The work takes the listener through different sound environments and introduces the experience of listening to voices through short narrative fragments, descriptions articulating how the voices relate to the acoustic world and enacted
The enacted performances were fully improvised and featured only members of the voice-hearing community. I would like to thank the extreme generosity, sincerity and
positive energy of all participants.
The audio installation can be experienced in 2 Royal Avenue's 'pods'.