Performance Anxiety Workshop
Xenia Pestova Bennett
18 May, 2:00 - 3:30 pm
The Black Box

Workshop with Xenia Pestova Bennett that explores the concept of stage fright and coping mechanisms to navigate it.
We all get 'stage fright' at various points in our lives: whether actually performing in front of a live audience by playing music, singing, speaking, participating in competitive sport or simply feeling terrified of that job interview, work presentation or first date. Whether you get anxiety symptoms such as shaky hands, sweaty palms, dry mouth and blurry vision or indulge in self-doubt and criticism, help is available!
Join concert pianist, performance anxiety coach and yoga instructor Dr Xenia Pestova Bennett to discover simple coping strategies and start 'befriending' your nerves. You will learn about the physiology of anxiety mechanisms and have the opportunity to try a series of gentle breathing, movement and focus interventions. The workshop is open to everyone regardless of previous experience.
Supported by Moving On Music.